Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Mother's Love

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
His Love...

Jesus asks:-
If you never felt pain, Then how would you know that I am a Healer?
If you never had to pray, How would you know that I am a Deliverer?
If you never had a trial, How could you call yourself an overcomer?
If you never felt sadness, How would you know that I am a Comforter?
If you never made a mistake, How would you know that I am a forgiver?
If you knew all, How would you know that I will answer your questions?
If you never were in trouble, How would you know that I will come to your rescue
If you never were broken, Then how would you know that I can make you whole?
If you never had a problem,How would you know that I can solve them?
If you never had any suffering, Then how would you know what I went through?
If you never went through the fire, Then how would you become pure?
If I gave you all things, How would you appreciate them?
If I never corrected you, How would you know that I love you?
If you had all power, Then how would you learn to depend on me?
If your life was perfect, Then what would you need me for?
With Love,
Jesus Christ...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I Love You Jesus...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Little Faith....

Thursday, July 14, 2011
He Will Rise Up.....
This is a celebration
We're calling out to every nation
To spread the word that Jesus is alive!
We're people of His kingdom,
His resurrection is our freedom
For every heart, every tongue, and every tribe___
We will dance for the One that shines brighter than the sun____
We lift our eyes up
And Rise up, we will rise up
He's alive, He's alive inside us and we will rise up!
We claim the victory, He won on Calvary, celebrate the king of glory
So rise up; people of the Lord rise up!
We're filled with holy fire,
Lifting His name is our desire
And this we know His Spirit-is in this place
Let nothing stand between us. We,
carry the love that has redeemed us,He,
is life-abundantly given-to us in grace____
We will dance for the One that shines brighter than the sun____
Lift your eyes up
We will dance for the One that shines brighter than the sun
Lift your eyes up
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Lets Sing Together.........
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Four Effective Steps to Study the Bible

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A cute little song.......
Twinkle twinkle precious star, Jesus loves you as you are.
He loves your smile he loves your voice
he thinks you are pretty choice.
Twinkle twinkle precious star, Jesus loves you as you are.
Twinkle twinkle precious star, Jesus loves you as you are.
He loves your smile, He loves your face,
He wants to save you by His Grace.
Twinkle twinkle precious star, Jesus loves you as you are :):):)
A Love Letter from Jesus
(Insert your name in the blank)
__________,I love you! I shed my own blood for you to make you clean.
You are clean now, so believe that it is true.
You are lovely in my eyes, and I created you to be just as you are.
Do not criticize yourself or get down for not being perfect in your own eyes.
This leads only to frustration. I want you to trust Me - one step
one day at a time. Dwell in My power and in My love and be free!
Be yourself! Don't allow other people to run you.
I will guide you, if you let Me. Be aware of My presence in everything.
I give you patience, love, joy, peace and life. Look to Me for your answers.
I am your shepherd and will lead you. Follow me only! Do not ever forget this.
Listen to Me and I will tell you My will.
Let My love flow from you and spill over to all you touch.
Do not be concerned with yourself. You are My responsibility. I will change you,
and you will hardly know it is happening. You are to
love yourself and love others simply because I love you.
Take your eyes off yourself! Look only at Me!
I change...I create..., but not when you are trying. I won't fight your efforts.
You are Mine. Let Me give you joy, peace, and kindness. No one else can!